Suh Dude.

My First Post.

It’s 2020 and the only thing I can see clearly is that I can’t let some old memes just die already. I’ll keep blaming it on my lack of investment into trending social media, and I’ll try not to think about my imminent old age.

I’ve dabbled in enough things on computers to build a career, but I can’t say confidently that I’ve mastered any one skill. This does not correlate with the fact that I have a computer science degree with the word “Master” in its diploma title, with which I’ve become comfortable reading and re-wording wordy technical documentation.

So that’s fun… Still far from a master, but I guess fake it ’till you make it, yeah?

Now let’s say, “reading and re-wording wordy” many times as fast as possible for even more fun.

What’s not fun is the stupid amount of student debt that I’ll be paying for over the next 5 to 10 years. At least now my resume probably makes its way through more filters in queues for job applications.

(I’m really not that bitter…)

I’m starting this website for two reasons:

  1. I want to share any knowledge that has helped me overcome problems that I (maybe comically) spent many hours on, along with topics that I frequently have to re-teach myself, and present it without a swarm of targeted advertisements and lost brain cells. I am all about sharing the knowledge, and I will work on my wordiness over time. My goal is really to save time for myself and anyone else out there with similar interests…
  2. I want to make bits and pieces of my life readily available for my family and friends to see as I stumble through the experiences of this world.



Maybe, but I also want to build up my arsenal of mid-tier knowledge on website building and management. I really want to be as comfortable with pure Javascript as I am with C# and Python, so you may see some random web applications on here in the future.

Some other recent grinds for knowledge and skill:

  • How to work remotely (you hiring?)
  • OP-1 (Teenage Engineering)
  • Ableton
  • The bass guitar
  • Power BI
  • MVVM and the .NET framework
  • Cooking / not eating out more than twice a week
  • Fixing my lower back pains
  • Taking care of an abandoned cat with my mild cat allergy

As an unofficially labeled red mage, my interests and focus are subject to change.